Male pattern baldness a.k.a. MPB results in severe hair loss in men. The condition is a common kind of hair loss that appears in most men during some stage in their life. It usually takes 15-25 years to go completely bald, but there are some men who go completely bold in just 5-years. About 30% of thirty-year olds and 50% of fifty-year olds are quite bald in this world.
Even though the condition is prevalent in men, women also can develop this condition, especially after the menopause. This article establishes if there is a male pattern baldness cure and what is out there that will help.
Hair is usually made in hair follicles, which are similar to tiny pouches under the skin surface. A strand of hair grows from one follicle for about three years. The hair is then shed, and a new hair starts to grow from the same follicle. This process carries on for life. The follicles in men who suffer from MPB shrinks and become smaller than normal.
As the follicle shrinks, each new hair becomes thinner than the previous hair. Such hair strands will fall out before the average cycle of three years. This is considered the main cause for MPB. Male hormones are involved in shrinking the follicles. The testosterone levels are normal in people suffering from MPB. Hair follicles convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hair follicles that are affected become sensitive to dihydrotestosterone. The reason for this is still unknown.
If you are looking for a male pattern baldness cure, there are quite a few out there. Hair transplant, hair loss drugs and natural hair loss remedies are some of these treatment methods. The hair transplant procedure is quite time consuming, expensive and painful. The hair is taken from other parts of your scalp and placed in spots where they are required. The procedure is usually successful, but may result in infections and undesirable looks if things go wrong. This is usually the last resort of restoring hair. It is ideal for people who suffer from hair loss for more than 4-5 years. If you plan to take treatment for the condition as soon as you detect the problem, the other methods are more successful in restoring your hair.
Hair loss drugs are quite popular as a successful hair growth method nowadays. These drugs are able to stop hair loss, and start the regrowth process within six months time. There are two popular hair loss drugs that are approved by the FDA. Minoxidil and Finasteride are these two drugs. Similar to all other pharmaceutical drugs, these drugs also have certain side effects. This is why most people resort to using natural hair loss remedies to grow their lost hair. These supplements are becoming extremely popular nowadays. They are made of 100% natural ingredients, and come without any side effects as a result. These products provide proper nutrition to the hair follicles and increase its blood flow. They will also help fight off the hormone DHT, which is the main cause of hair loss.
The aforementioned article highlights some of the best cures for male pattern baldness. MPB is more common among men than women. It can negatively affect the self-esteem of the person who is suffering from the condition. This is why you need to take action to cure the condition right now.