A Collection of Diseases Cause This Problem
An itchy dry scalp that cause severe pain and that only seem to be immediately remedies by scratching it is often the cause of some sort of disease. This disease is commonly a skin problem that needs to be diagnosed and treated. Not as common is when a dry scalp is simply the result of another problem like overactive thyroid. No matter what the source of this problem is, it can be treated and that is what we will focus on in this article, the treatment of this problem so that you can go on with living your life.
It Is Painful
One of the worst things is how much pain and annoyance and itchy scalp can cause. Sometimes it feels like your scalp is on fire and the only thing you can do to help, is the worst thing that you can do for your hair and that is to scratch it. Scratching is what typically causes hair loss but it is so hard not to do it. You have to find a better solution and that is stopping whatever causes your scalp to itch. This solution might be topical or a deeper medical issues that needs to be solved.
The Hair Loss Is Embarrassing
Not only does itchy scalp hair loss cause physical pain and annoyance, it also causes embarrassment and especially for women. Our hair is an important aspect of our physical appearance and even in evolutionary psychology terms the condition of our hair signifies our level of health and ability to procreate. Even in simplest terms, hair loss just doesn’t look good. Unfortunately there isn’t a product that can regrow your hair but there are products that will stop your itchy scalp which will reduce the need to scratch and damage your hair. You an stop your hair loss.
There Is A Solution To Stop It
You do not have to spend the rest of your life with itchy scalp hair loss. Yes, it might seem like there is nothing that you can do about it but that isn’t true. You’ve probably tried ‘everything’ but there are products and solutions that you have not investigated. There are anti-fungal and other solutions that will solve your itchy scalp and that will make you not need to scratch it and subsequently lose your hair from the damage and scarring that scratching causes to the hair follicle which causes hair to fall out.
A lot of things were covered in this article but lets go over the most important concepts. The most important thing is that there is a solution that will help to end the itchy and dry scalp that you have. No, there is not a solution for regrowing your hair but treating your scalp condition will stop any further hair loss from scratching your itchy scalp. This problem comes with a lot of embarrassment and misunderstanding but there is a way to treat it.